| |

April 2003
No, I'm not dead: I promise new updates soon! |
December 2002
Working on a revamp of the North
America travel pages... |
New pictures of San
Diego coming soon! |
Since the Home Page display on the guestbook is being
abused, I have turned it off. Spam elsewhere, guys: I'm not your
free advertisement source. |
November 2002
October 2002
Changed my guestbook
be sure to fill it up with lots of (polite) comments! |
September 2002
 | More hiking pictures! Bear
Church Rock added. |
 | Added some pictures from the Big
Schloss trail to my Virginia
Trails section, and I've got the navigation system up and running. |
pages updated with more pictures from Delft and Rotterdam! |
 | Wow, I'm on a roll! Greece
and Italy cruise pictures updated! (Gee, you think I should work
on the Japan pages???) |
 | Japan photo
album updated! |
 | There's a "hidden" addition to the menu bar... |
 | More Humor page
updates |
August 2002
Not many updates lately: more coming soon, I hope! |
I've been getting a LOT of image leeches
lately: it's eating up my bandwidth, so I've added some filters.
This shouldn't affect viewing the site directly, but you will find
that images won't show up when using Google's
cache or AltaVista's
translator. If I get time I may add some more sophisticated
filtering. |
Yay! New Updates! Check out my Virginia
Hiking Trails section (under construction!) |
May 2002
April 2002
 | Netherlands pictures are up!
Story to come after I've finished with Japan. |
 | Pictures from my recent trip to the Netherlands coming soon! |
 | Judging by the number of 404 errors I've been getting, a lot of you are
trying to view my Travel pages directly. The directory structure has changed and are
now subdivided by continent. Nothing has been deleted: you should reset your links
by finding the relevant pages in the Travel section. |
March 2002
 | Tweaking a few things here and there: hopefully I'll get a chance to finish the Japan trip at some point. |
 | Added "Survey Says..." to the Humor
Section |
February 2002
 | Updated the guestbook so that the e-mail
address is not shown in the results (it will remain private). |
 | Tweaks to my home page |
 | Minor tweaks to my Grand Caymans
photos |
 | Finished another page or two of the Japan
travelogue... |
January 2002
 | Happy New Year! |
 | Some minor updates in my personal info... |

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© 1998-2002 William Geoffrey Shotts. Last update: Tuesday, March 09, 2004