
Day 2

What had happened was that we came off the trail too early, and ran into a trailer park. "Thelma" is the name of the woman we talked to when we "communed with the natives". We were a little lost, but we had a better sense of where we were than Thelma did. So we decided to name the group after her.

Back to Day 2

Day 3

Some of the Minute Mysteries. We are given the following description, and then must figure out what was going on by asking yes or no questions. Follow the links to get the answers.

- A woman walks up to a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. He pulls out a gun and points it at her. She thanks him and leaves.

- A man leaves his wife, goes to the elevator, presses the button and knows immediately that his wife is dead.

- A man leaves home, makes three lefts, and sees the man in the mask. He leaves.

- A man lies dead in a room surrounded by 53 bicycles.

Also, here's a riddle I had (perhaps you can name the film I got this from, too):

A man is in a room with an all-southern view. A bear walks by. What color is the bear?

Back to Day 3

Day 4

One of the ladies had some medication to take. That medication was taken at certain times, two of which were 3:00pm and 9:00pm. Since we removed all our watches and other timepieces at the base, leaving instructors with the only watches, this was the only way we had of telling the time!

Back to Day 4

Day 5

Rules to Fart Baseball:

1 fart : 1st base
2 farts: 2nd base
3 farts: 3rd base
4 farts: run
5 farts: 2 runs, etc.

If another person farts, they are on 1st and you are out. The most number of runs wins.

Back to Day 5

Answers to Minute Mysteries

- The woman has the hiccups.

- The man is in a hospital, where his wife is on life support. The elevator has stopped between floors because of a loss of power (which also kills his wife).

- The man is playing baseball, and has been struck out by the catcher.

- This one was a toughie: bicycles is a brand of playing cards. The man is dead because he had been caught cheating (with an ace up his sleeve, hence one extra card).

- The only room with an all-southern view (south in ALL directions) is at the north pole. The bear is therefore a polar bear, and white. This riddle was used in the movie "Young Sherlock Holmes": Holmes tells it to Watson to help teach him about deduction.


© 1995-2000 William Geoffrey Shotts. Last update: Saturday, November 02, 2002