Guestbook Entries
1999 and earlier

Tuesday, February 16, 1999
Hi! I'm a freshman in high school and I have to do a project on the Ayers Rock. If you could maybe e-mail me some additional info (or just contact me) i would really apreciate it. Thank You!:)

Tuesday, February 02, 1999
Don Perrin
St. Louis, MO
Hi, Geoffrey!
I am an engineer at the NSWC, Crane Division, Crane, Indiana, thus I am one of the thousands of people who work for your father.
The Captain gave me your web site address and I am enjoying viewing your site. I envy you your interesting travels. My daughter (Donna) and son-in-law (David) are civilians employed by Raytheon Corp. and are based on kwajalein, Marshall Islands. Their web site is You might enjoy viewing the site and communicating with them.
I will be looking for new stuff on your site frequently.
Don P. (my personal e:mail address is <deleted>)

Wednesday, December 09, 1998
Tim Hynes
I have none.
You sholdn't be wasting your time with this. You should be doing work!

Wednesday, September 23, 1998
Lynne Hendricks
I know what you did last summer

Thursday, May 21, 1998
Rex Bell
Conifer, Colorado
I enjoyed your Singapore page. Just returned from there in April.
How about all the shopping malls with food and foot massages right next to each other.
I also saw a Tai Country & Western Band on Orchard Road. Walked in and they were singing
"Song Sung Brue". Tailand Neil Diamond. Lots of fun, but hot and muggy. The Long Bar in the
Raffles Hotel is great. That's where the Singaport Sling was invented. Good Home Page!

Sunday, April 26, 1998
William E. Shotts
The World
Dear Advisor,
My son doesn't email me any more. Do you think you can help me with this problem?
A Dad

Thursday, March 26, 1998
Wei Han
You already know
Hi, Geoff. I came back from school very late last night and just logged in
to see your homepage. Is's a nice web site you built. I am trying to
finish up watching all of the video tapes by the end of this week and be
prepared to start April 1. You left me a good impression when I came for
interview and I think it should be wonderful to work with you, under your
supervision. I realized a little problem when I set up my homepage using
VB ActiveX Documents. I will continue to work on to fix the problem later
on. See you on 4/1. My email address is: <deleted>

Tuesday, November 18, 1997 4:42:19 PM
Your Sister
Your Guess is as good as mine!
Hi Geoff, pretty nifty. Your page seems to be running faster, or maybe its just my connection. I think you should have automatic line return in this field! Talk to you later, Heather

Thursday, November 20, 1997 9:32:52 AM
Tyler Gomm
Idaho Falls
Hey! I was HERE. :) Makes this more interesting knowing that this is coming off of a machine located IN YOUR HOME! The pages are running quite fast (but is that my T1 line?) >:)