Paris, France

We made it to Paris after being awake for about 36 hours straight (poor Shaula: here ears were hurting something fierce from the pressure changes during the flight!). Our first stop was was our Paris hotel: the Hilton International! Just a swallows flight away from downtown Paris. We got a great view, and one of my roommates managed to short out the TV with his plug converter. All in all, a fun start to the trip. :-)


Arc de Triomphe

A view of the Arc de Triomphe, from the inside. Sadly, many of the monuments we saw had scaffolding and nets at the top, due to falling debris. Many of the older stone ruins are literally crumbling from erosion and vibration from automobiles!

View of the Eiffel tower, from our Hotel RoomTour Eiffel

The Eiffel Tower, seen from our hotel room! We eventually got to tour around its base and went up the stairs to get a view of Paris! I wanted to take the elevator to the top but my friends weren't interested (possibly being dizzy from the height!) I think they had recently completed the task of "lightnening" the Tower by removing some of the girders & extra steel in the structure. Hopefully none of the main supports were removed!!!

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© 1996-2000 William Geoffrey Shotts. Last update: Saturday, November 02, 2002