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Witch Doctor BonesSossusvlei to Windhoek

October 26, 2000

Windhoek and Weaverbirds

One last early morning drive remaining, we gathered up our tents for the last time and headed out!  It was a fairly long drive back to Windhoek, so most of us just napped in our seats.

We did make one pit stop on the way.  Susanna had spotted some weaverbird nests, so we got out of the bus and had a look.  Weaverbirds make communal nests, but I didn't see any of the birds themselves.  Must have been still sleeping.

When we finally arrived in Windhoek, most of us were staying in one of the larger hotels (Yes!  Soft beds at last!), but Geraldine and Jan had to make their own arrangements.  We would see them later that night for dinner.

The gang was reunited, however: we met up with Joanna at the hotel!  She'd had some room trouble, but was finally settled in and ready to go!

Last-Minute Shopping

There was a regular shuttle service to downtown Windhoek, so I took the opportunity to do most of my shopping for the trip!  There were some amazing painted ostrich eggs   I had seen, as well as some other pieces that I found as gifts for friends & family.  It was nice to be able to relax!

Later on I ran into Katja and Martina, and we treated ourselves to some junk food in a local KFC.  Ah, nothing like a little fast food to bring you back to civilization! :-)

Joe's Beerhouse

Susanna had made reservations for us that night at a place called Joe's Beerhouse, a fairly popular restaurant.  Unfortunately, at the last minute she couldn't make it due to another commitment.  We missed you, Susanna!

Calling up some cabs, we headed over to the restaurant.  I was with Katja & Martina, and our cabby was quite a character!  He also drove like a maniac: zipping in between cars, missing others by inches.  Quite a little adventure!

Joe's Beerhouse had indoor and outdoor serving areas, and lots of stuffed animals decorating the place.  Joe's Beerhouse FlyerWe squeezed into a corner booth and exchanged personal info while we waited for our grub.  Unfortunately, the place was EXTREMELY crowded, and that (on top of wanting separate checks: in retrospect another Bad Idea(™)) made service very slow.  The food was decent for the most part: the zebra that I ordered was a little undercooked, though (had to send it back for a little more barbecuing).  The escargot was great!

It was a fun night, nevertheless.  Everybody talked and laughed.  I got everyone to sign my little notebook.   And we discussed where we were going next.  Martina actually had another week or so up in Kenya, with even more primitive camping equipment and was a little apprehensive about that!  Katja was going to spend a little time in Capetown, as was Chris.  Most everyone else was heading back home.

I'll Drink to That...

After dinner (and another adventurous cab ride) we headed back to our respective hotels for a well-earned rest.  But before that, we wandered over and chatted some more in....

drumroll please...

the lounge. :-)

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© 2000  William Geoffrey Shotts. Last update: Saturday, November 02, 2002