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Wooden statueLeaving Africa

October 27-28, 2000


The next morning, I caught a cab to the airport (over an hour away!) and started the long process of flying home.  I ran into Joanne and Chris and chatted briefly before having to catch my flight.  I also got a few small bottles of Amarula liqueur (a recommendation given me by one of my seatmates on the flight to Africa)!

The flight home was rather longer than the flight back: leaving aside the large guy next to me with bad breath, instead of the direct route, I hopped from Windhoek to Cape Town, Cape Town to Miami, Florida, Miami to Atlanta, Georgia, and finally back to Dulles.   The whole trip back took about 24 hours: that was as bad as Australia!

Home at Last!

But I was back!  And with some neat stuff to prove it!

That was certainly one of the "rougher" trips I've taken.  I wouldn't have missed it for anything, though.  There are still lots of things in Africa I'd like to see or do: visit Cape Town, climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, see Lake Victoria.   There's so much of the world to see, and so little time!

Katja, Martina, Jan, Geraldine, Antonio, Christina, Chris, & Joanne: Thanks for making it a wonderful trip!

William Geoffrey Shotts

May 7, 2001

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© 2000  William Geoffrey Shotts. Last update: Saturday, November 02, 2002