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Okovango to Audi Camp

October 16, 2000

Goodbye to Okovango

After two days, we got up at 7:00 am (positively leisurely) to pack up and take the mokoro back to our truck.  I had a near disaster right at the end: I nearly capsized my mokoro by getting out too fast!   Fortunately I quickly sat down and stabilized the boat.

We tipped our guides (about 20 pula) and took the truck back to *our* truck.  On the way we spotted a couple of ostrich running by!  When we got back to our truck, we climbed in and drove to Audi Camp, which was to be our stop for the day.  Tomorrow we would have the longest drive of the tour!

Audi Camp

Audi Camp was a fairly plain camping ground, but clearly has ambitions to be greater: there was a lot of construction going on, including a big outdoor cooking area (with a covered thatched roof) clearly intended for big groups, such as for wedding receptions.  It did have one important thing, though: showers!

"The Next Tourist that calls me a leopard gets to be lunch!"We didn't use any of that right away, though: after we set up our tents we headed for the pool to swim and relax.  We also made a discovery: Susanna loves to dive-bomb people in the pool!  A group of Australian tourists also came by and did the same thing: they got along great!

That evening at the bar we all had drinks and talked.  All sorts of things came up: computers, Y2K issues, and politics.  I was surprised at how important the upcoming U.S. Presidential election was to the group:  we talked a long time about how the result would affect relations with other countries. (Little did we know at the time what a mess the election would turn out to be!!!)

Later on we played South African Trivial Pursuit, which was dreadful for me as an American: what do I know about cricket champions???  At least I got a lot of the science questions right (including the one about Christian Barnard and heart transplants!)

Not much chance for sleep that evening: there were dogs barking, donkeys complaining, and chickens crowing all night!  I thought I heard gunshots once or twice, too: was there an animal attack going on?  I never would find out.

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© 2000  William Geoffrey Shotts. Last update: Saturday, November 02, 2002