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Chobe to Nata Lodge

October 13, 2000

What's the "O" Stand For? O My God, it's Early...

Dragging ourselves out of bed we packed up for our morning game drive.   We had a fantastic sunrise: in fact, all the sunrises and sunsets would be amazing!  I spoke to the maid who came to my bungalow: she talked about the different types of people who came to Chobe: mostly friendly Americans and Europeans, apparently not-so-friendly South Africans.  She also waxed philosophic on the fighting going on in Angola (and Zimbabwe, for that matter), and hoped they could resolve their differences without fighting.  Don't we all!  She was quite a remarkable person.

Giraffe and ImpalaStarting our drive, we could tell that we had a lot of luck the previous day: at first we saw almost nothing.  Then a few animals started to come out: we saw a warthog rooting in the dirt for grubs, some Impala (they were everywhere!), a few Kudu with their spectacular spiral horns, and even hippos again.  A few springbok also wandered by: I thought they had the most beautiful coloration of the different ungulates we saw.

We had hoped to get a closer look at that lion from yesterday, but it was not to be.  We did find a herd of elephants walking by: they were eating the leaves off the trees and smashing their heads against a few, too.  It even looked like there were a few juveniles!

Travel to Nata Lodge

After our morning drive, we had to pack up and head to Nata Lodge, which was to be our evening stopover before we headed to the Okovango Delta.  We had a fairly long drive that day, as well as another hoof & mouth checkpoint!  About halfway through we stopped for a bathroom break and to stretch our legs.

Nata Lodge (in Nata, appropriately enough) is a small camping ground, but had a nice bar and pool area.  After setting up our tents for the first time (private tent!  Being the odd man out has its advantages :-))  We quickly took advantage of the pool: it was HOT, and the inside of our tents was like a sauna.  For some reason, the pool water was milky, but that didn't stop us from cooling off! 

An Unusual AdornmentAfterwards, I played poker with Joanne and Jan, using my Optical Illusions card set (which Joanne and Jan found almost as fascinating as the poker!)  There was a dog wandering around (presumably a pet).  I made the mistake of petting it, and immediately needed another swim: that dog was filthy!

Our first campout dinner proved to be pasta & meat sauce, not bad at all!  Afterwards I met up with Katja and Martina at the bar: we discussed American influences in the world, among various other topics.  We also spotted a few rats in the bar: time to go to bed!

On the way back to our tents, Susanna claimed that someone had spotted bushbabies (a small lemur-like animal).  Well, I didn't see those, but I did see this amazing lizard (that I have yet to identify): amazing colors!

It's a 5:30 am wakeup call tomorrow, and also my last chance for a shower for two days!

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© 2000  William Geoffrey Shotts. Last update: Saturday, November 02, 2002