I found this on the net some years ago: it defines the Loony Toons characters for a
Dungeons & Dragons tournament. Most people seem to be into Magic: the Gathering card
games or stuff, but I still found this to be pretty cute. -WGS
Killer Toons: A Guide
Cartoon Laws of Physics:
Trevor paquette, Lt. Justin Baldwin, David Mudie
Cartoons: Steve Hideg, Bart Schaefer, Gary Gray, Kevin Podsiadlik, and
Kevin Smith

Ability and Power ranks are scaled in ranks, which are assigned numbers to give people
an idea of how a given character's abilities scale against those of others. They start at
the low end with Zero (0), and proceed up the scale as follows: Feeble (2), Poor (4),
Typical (6), Good (10), Excellent (20), Remarkable (30), Incredible (40), Amazing (50),
Monstrous (75), Unearthly (100), Shift X (150), Shift Y (250), Shift Z (500), Class 1000,
Class 3000, Class 5000, and Beyond (infinite).
Health is the sum of the rank numbers of Fighting (How well do you
kick butt), Agility (Dexterity and speed), Strength
(Take a guess), and Endurance (Guess again). Karma is
the sum of Reason (How book smart are you), Intuition (A
measure of your senses and gut instinct), and Psyche (Your force of
mental will). Health can be equated to Hit Points, and Karma
is mainly used to perform feats heroically (i.e., spend Karma when a building is falling
on a crowd and you're much more likely to catch it) or to increase the chance of success
when you build things.
With Popularity, the absolute value determines how popular a character
is. A negative score indicates a villain, a positive score is for the good guys.
"+- #CS to be hit" modifies the chance to hit against a
creature of a certain (large or small) size. A positive column shift shifts the roll to
hit toward Beyond, whereas a negative shift is toward Zero. In normal circumstances, A
shift cannot cross a noted boundary between Shift Z and Class 1000. Galactus' hunger is
the only known exception. Roughly, one column shift equals plus or minus 5 on percentile
That's all for now, folks!!!
Tony L.
NOTE: All Killer Toons except the Giant of the Beanstalk have a form of the
Immortality power, which allows them to survive colossal explosions, falls from impossible
heights, gunshots, disintegration, and the like.

Fighting: |
Remarkable |
Agility: |
Excellent |
Strength: |
Remarkable |
Endurance: |
Amazing |
Reason: |
Poor |
Intuition: |
Poor (he mistook a duck for a rabbit...) |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 130
karma: 18
Resources: None
Popularity: -30
Known Powers: Invulnerability to Cold (CL 1000)
Talents: Martial Arts B and C, Wrestling
Limitation: Heat attacks melt the Snowman, and if he reaches 0 Health
then he melts into a puddle of water.
Background: Bugs and Daffy ran into the snowman in the Himalayas, and
discovered that all it ever wanted was a cute little bunny rabbit of its own. Bugs escaped
its grasp by tricking it into believing that Daffy was a rabbit, and it followed them
south. The snowman melted while hugging his rabbit- who again turned out to be Daffy.
A quote: "Oh, a little bunny rabbit! Just what I always wanted! I
will name him George and I will hug him and kiss him and squeeze him and rub his pretty
bill and caress his pretty feathers... wait a minute George, rabbits don't have feathers
ands bills.....

Fighting |
Good |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Good |
Intuition: |
Poor |
Psyche: |
Poor |
Health: 44
karma: 18
Resources: Poor, which is why he steals and gambles
Popularity: -4
Known Powers: none
Talents: Gambling (If Jaque plays a game with others and no one else cheats or uses
probability Manipulation, then Jaque wins. Otherwise, the person who defeats his talent
Background: Blaque Jaque Shellaque is a gambler and claim-jumper from Canada. He has
got into bitter disputes with Bugs Bunny over various gold mines and dams. He was last
seen riding a dog sled into the sunset, where he exploded along with the gunpowder- laden
A quote: "Eh.. dat Fifi... she's a blast."

Fighting: |
Typical |
Agility: |
Remarkable |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Good |
Intuition: |
Monstrous |
Psyche: |
Unearthly |
Health: 66
Karma: 185
Resources: Excellent
Popularity: 100
Known Powers: Probability Manipulation (Good Luck), Digging (Good- 4
areas per round), Leaping (Remarkable- 30' up or sideways, 45' down), Magic (Incredible)
Power Stunts: Bugs can tunnel through up to Remarkable material (usually dirt). He also
can take others with him while tunneling, but he usually gets lost by failing to turn left
at Albuquerque. Concerning his Good Luck power, he may choose to read his dice as the more
favorable of the 2 rolls possible on any roll he makes. His limitation for this power is
such that if he rolls doubles, he will suffer a run of 1-10 rolls of Bad Luck, decided by
the Judge.
Magical Spell: Bugs has only one spell, usable once per week, and his target is allowed
a Psyche FEAT to avoid it. The spell grants the power of Body Manipulation: Others, and
has the following effects depending on the word he uses to activate the spell:
 | Abracapocus: Target gains the head of a bat |
 | Hocuscadabra: Target gains the body of a bat except for the head |
 | Newport News: Target shape changes into a witch |
 | Walla Walla Washington: Target turns into a two-headed vulture |
Weapon: Bugs once wielded the Singing Sword. This item is made of
Incredible material and does Excellent damage. The user can never surprise an enemy
because the sword will always start to emit a musical tune when an enemy comes within 2
areas of him.
Talents: Performer, Acrobatics, Psychology, and Tumbling. He has never studied Law.
Background: Bugs Bunny began his career singing in Hollywood shows, where he met Elmer
Fudd and Daffy Duck. He later traveled into the wilderness, to Mars, and in time to the
Old West- where he has crossed the likes of Yosemite Sam, Wile E. Coyote, Sylvester,
Speedy Gonzales, and the Tasmanian Devil. He likes Daffy Duck, despite Daffy's desire to
prove that he is the best.
A quote: "Ehhh.. (crunch crunch) What's up Doc?"

Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Typical |
Strength: |
Remarkable |
Endurance: |
Remarkable |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Typical |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 76
Karma: 22
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 10
Known Powers: Flight (Good- 6 areas), Tiny Size (-2 CS to be hit)
Talents: none
Background: George is unusually strong for his small size (he can lift
a fat rooster over his head and carry him for miles) and it's that very size that he is
self-conscious of. To make up for this, he captures all manner of chickens and takes them
home to his father for cooking. Foghorn Leghorn and Dawg have been his allies and enemies
on numerous occasions.
A quote: "I'm a chickenhawk, and I'm gonna git me a chicken."

(Eatibus Anythingus)
Fighting: |
Typical |
Agility: |
Excellent |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Remarkable |
Reason: |
Unearthly |
Intuition: |
Monstrous |
Psyche: |
Monstrous |
Health: 66
Karma: 250
Resources: Class 1000
Popularity: -100
Known Powers: Levitation (Good), Heightened Smell (Incredible),
Heightened Hearing (Excellent)
Power Stunt: Wiley may walk off a cliff and stand unsupported in
midair for as long as he is unaware that he is doing so.
Talents: Medicine, Pilot, Engineering, All scientific talents, Repair/
Tinkering, Resist Domination
Background: Wile E. Coyote is a hermit who lives in the desert hunting
Road Runners. He finally caught one, but at that time he was too small to kill and eat it
[see "Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over"- editor]. On days when the Road Runner
took days off or vacations, Bugs Bunny filled in for him- and has not yet been caught
because Wiley, in keeping with the spirit of the hunt, provided Bugs with speed vitamins.
Wiley mysteriously has connections with the ACME corporation, who will supply him with any
materials he orders on short notice (about 1 day). It has been theorized that Wiley owns
ACME or somehow has in the past invented their entire product line, but this is just a
A quote: "Good evening. My name is Coyote. Wile E. Coyote. I am a genius by
Wile E. Coyote lives in a vast cavern hideout of Deluxe size, with at least one of
every room package installed except a Danger Room. Outside, a great fallen slab of rock
overhangs the entrance and effectively hides it from human eyes. His Communications Center
can monitor and record events anywhere in the desert thanks to well-hidden cameras, and
Wiley often studies past mistakes so as not to make the same one twice. His library has
something on every topic, and his swimming pool fills a great underground lake. His
workroom and lab fill the largest part of the cave, and tunnels lead from there to just
about everywhere in the Killer Toon universe.
A complete list of Wiley's inventions and devices would be too huge to include here, so
I am including only the ones I find most memorable. I welcome contributions (as stated
above) to this list, as he is my favorite MMLT character.
 | Spy Car: a sports car with extra armor (Excellent Body and Protection),
2 front-mounted machineguns, a rocket platform with 4 high-speed missiles, an oil slick of
Good intensity (roll a control FEAT or crash, 3 charges), and a smoke cloud of Excellent
intensity (FEAT roll to see). This vehicle was destroyed in a wreck, but Wiley may have
rebuilt it. |
 | Dynamite Darts: These winged babies, when thrown, stick in the target
with a nose needle and explode, blanketing an entire area with Remarkable damage. These
darts can be dropped from the air, and in one case a belt of them scattered for days
before they hit targets (these targets happened to be some of Wiley's other projects). |
 | 3D Paint: Anyone can use this item. Essentially, the paint is used to
"paint a hole through a wall." However, the PAINTER cannot pass through the
wall. |
 | Rocket Sled: This device acted as a Rocket Car with no protection. It
was designed to follow a track after the Road Runner, but ended up flying into space where
it exploded. Wiley may have built another one. |
 | Catapults: Treat these as Heavy Artillery. They cannot hit a road
runner. They only hit Wiley. If he lies under one, it collapses on top of him. |
 | Magnetron: This weapon can exert an attractive force of Class 1000!
magnetism at Class 3000 range (10,000 miles). The first one went out of control and pulled
a Russian nuclear missile down from the sky, destroying the device as well as Wiley's
original headquarters. |
 | Bat-Man Outfit: This allowed Wiley to fly at Good speed (8 areas per
round), but the wings were knocked out of it when he hit a cliff. The suit gave no
protection and would be easy to rebuild. |
 | Pop-up Wall: This wall is installed on a desert road, where at the
touch of a button it pops up and blocks the road with Amazing strength. Wiley himself
slammed into and deformed the original one, but he may have installed others in other
places. |
 | Super Leg Vitamins: One of these beauties endows a runner with Class
5000 ground speed (100 areas per turn, which exceeds that of the Road Runner). Wiley used
one with no previous practice, and slammed into his own pop-up wall with disastrous
results. However, he still has the rest of the jar. |
 | Portable Hole: This device is a roughly 2' diameter piece of cloth
which will put a hole through anything up to Monstrous Material. This has been done in
several cartoons, but Wiley independently invented it and used it exclusively in the
Looney Tunes world. He originally made the hole in a high bridge and didn't realize it was
portable until the Road Runner picked it up in his beak and ran off with it. This
invention was so popular that ACME began marketing it to rival cartoon characters (it
plagued the Aardvark in his pursuit of the Ant on the Pink Panther Show), and several were
even sold to Gary Gygax. One industrious fellow used the hole to drop his nagging wife all
the way to hell. |
 | Earthquake Pills: Another pill that Wiley once used was even more
disastrous. When he set them in the Road Runner's food they had no effect, and so Wiley
consumed an entire jar of them. Only then did he read the small print on the label that
stated the pills' uselessness on Road Runners. Wiley ate about 1000 pills and gained Class
1000 earthquake generation and Body Armor, and he was forced into moving in random
directions, as his slightest move caused a powerful tremor. The pills wore off in 10
rounds. Wiley may have more, but if he does then he is not likely to use them. |

Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Excellent |
Endurance: |
Incredible |
Reason: |
Incredible |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 80
Karma: 60
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 20
Known Powers: Digging (Poor- 2 areas per round, primarily to bury or
find bones), Heightened Smell (Incredible)
Talents: none
Background: Dawg is Foghorn Leghorn's rival or ally, depending on the situation. He is
in charge of security on the farm and has been known to build elaborate devices with which
to annoy Foghorn.
A quote: "Look, Boy, Yer a chickenhawk. There's a chicken. Do yer stuff."

alias George, Robin Hood, Friar Duck, and Duck Dodgers
Fighting: |
Excellent |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Remarkable |
Reason: |
Remarkable |
Intuition: |
Typical |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 66
Karma: 46
Resources: Good
Popularity: 75
Known Powers: Flight (Excellent- 10 areas), Water Breathing, Swimming
(Good- 4 areas), Regeneration (Incredible- 4 pts per turn)
Power Stunts: None, though Daffy thinks he has some.
Weapons: Daffy possesses a $1.25 quarterstaff (Good material, Good damage), a bow,
several guns, a bazooka, a few kegs of dynamite and TNT, and a panel truck. As Duck
Dodgers, Daffy carried a laser pistol, a stun rifle, and a disintegration-proof vest (The
VEST cannot be disintegrated). He once had a farm and an igloo, but they were erased.
Talents: Performer, Weapon Specialist ($1.25 staff), Detective/Espionage, Artist
Background: Daffy once worked with Bugs Bunny and is jealous of everything he does.
Daffy's big desire is to be the richest duck in the world- a status he has attained a few
times but could never hold on to. He feels he has no need now to settle his previous envy
of Bugs' popularity since he once followed Bugs' act and blew himself up on stage to the
delight of a screaming crowd [this occurred in the first Bugs Bunny movie- editor].
Despite this, Daffy is still motivated by greed, conceit, and power hunger. What a guy.
A quote: "Ho! haha guard turn parry dodge spin hahah thrust!"
Speed: CL 5000
Body: Amazing
Protection: Monstrous
Control: Excellent
weapons: 4 laser cannons (Shift Z range, Monstrous damage)
The Space Ranger long-range cruiser, used by Daffy in his guise of Duck Dodgers In The
24th-And-A-Half Century, also has a destruct device of Class 3000 intensity which Daffy
used on Martin the Martian's ship. The blast, combined with that of Martin's own destruct
device, wiped out both ships and almost all of Planet X.@1

Fighting: +2 CS
Agility: no modification
Strength: +3 CS
Endurance: +2 CS
Tweety, Sylvester, Bugs, and Doctor Jekyll have all been affected by this concoction at
different times. It's effect is to transform the drinker into a long-armed,
burly-shouldered, big-headed caricature of his/her former self, sporting ugly black
fingernails and small fangs. Everyone but Bugs became mindless and homicidal under it's
influence. Tweety menaced and nearly devoured Sylvester and several other neighborhood
cats; Sylvester terrorized another of the generic toon bulldogs; and Jekyll tried to carve
up Bugs with an axe. Bugs watched in wonder as people fled from his monster form, munched
a carrot, and mused, "Now what's eatin' them?"

Fighting: |
Poor |
Agility: |
Remarkable |
Strength: |
Excellent |
Endurance: |
Typical |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Typical |
Psyche: |
Good |
Known Powers: Flight (Remarkable)
Talents: Blunt Weapons (usually a baseball bat)
Background: The stork means well, but he has been known on a few occasions to party too
heavily and cause major problems for other denizens of Toondom. He has lost several
babies, and each time he substitutes a Killer Toon character (Bugs, Daffy, Sylvester, or
someone else) until he can find the correct baby.
A quote: "Congra- (hic) Congrajalashuns, madamm. Yerr a muther."

Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Poor |
Endurance: |
Poor |
Reason: |
Remarkable |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 20
Karma: 60
Resources: typical
Popularity: 4
Known Powers: Tiny Size (-2 CS to be hit)
Talents: all sciences, including mathematics
Equipment: Chemistry set, slide rule
Background: Eggbert is Widow Hen's son, a rather introverted but intelligent peep who
would rather do scientific research than anything else. Foghorn Leghorn once tried to
become his stepfather, with disastrous results.

Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
W Poor |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Poor |
Health: 50
Karma: 28
Wesouwces: Typical
Populawity: 75 (-75 among wabbits)
Known Powers: none
Weapons: Shotgun, Speaw (Incwedible matewial, Excellent damage, may be thwown), Magic
Hewmet (Incwedible matewial, Monstwrous Weathew Contwol)
Talents: Guns, Hunting (tweat as Detective/ Espionage)
Background: Elmer Fudd was owiginally a hunter who got on a nature channel with a
special on how to hunt wabbits. His foist guest was Bugs Bunny, whom he continues to chase
to this day. Elmer also did a Viking opewa with Bugs and, thinking he had killed him,
wenounced showbiz fowevew. He later pwoved to be wong, and now hunts often.
A quote: "I am Elmer J. Fudd, Millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht."
Another: "Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits.

Fighting: |
Monstrous |
Agility: |
Monstrous |
Strength: |
Unearthly |
Endurance: |
Unearthly |
Reason: |
Feeble |
Intuition: |
Remarkable |
Psyche: |
Poor |
Health: 350
Karma: 36
Resources: None
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: None, though his strength is enough that he can pull on
a cable connecting two cliffs and pull both cliffs together.
Talents: Martial Arts B, C, and E
Background: Elvis was the father of a baby gorilla who was lost by the Drunken Stork.
The stork, in desperation, substituted Bugs for the baby, and Bugs took advantage of Elvis
so that he might escape. When the baby was found, Elvis immediately pursued Bugs into the
jungle with intent to kill.

Fighting: |
Excellent |
Agility: |
Excellent |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Incredible |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 66
Karma: 56
Known Powers: Claws (Typical), Bite (Good), Night Vision (Incredible)
Background: The most notable cats in the Killer Toons are Pepe Le Pew's sweetie and
Clarence, the cat who runs Birds Anonymous.

Fighting: |
Excellent |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Excellent |
Endurance: |
Incredible |
Reason: |
Poor |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 90
Karma: 24
Known Powers: Heightened Smell (Remarkable)
Background: A number of bulldogs menace cats in the Killer Toons. One named bulldog is
Marc Anthony, the one whom Sylvester knows and sometimes hangs out with.

Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Typical |
Strength: |
Feeble |
Endurance: |
Good |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Typical |
Health: 20
Karma: 22
Resources: Good
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: Tiny size (-2 CS to be hit)
Talents: Musician in most cases
Background: These include Speedy Gonzalez's friends and family in Mexico, including
Manuel Control. Manuel has a sister, Carmella, who is the most beautiful mousette in all
of Mexico. She can call on Speedy any time.

Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Feeble |
Endurance: |
Poor |
Reason: |
Poor |
Intuition: |
Poor |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 12
Karma: 18
Resources: None
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: None
Background: Sheep in the Killer Toons are helpless, defenseless, inoffensive creatures
who depend entirely on Sam the Sheepdog for protection.

Fighting: |
Excellent |
Agility: |
Remarkable |
Strength: |
Excellent |
Endurance: |
Incredible |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Monstrous |
Health: 110
Karma: 91
Resources: Feeble
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: Body Armor (Remarkable), Electrical Generation
(Amazing), Flight (Remarkable), Wishing Power (Grant 3 wishes, Unearthly ability), Body
Transformation:Self (Remarkable smoke)
Talents: Sharp Weapons, Mystic Background
Background: Daffy Duck found a lamp in a cave full of treasure where he and Bugs
tunneled [in _1001 Rabbit Tales_- editor]. The genie offered to help Daffy, but Daffy
forced the genie back into the lamp so as to keep all of the treasure. The genie naturally
fought back, and pursued Daffy into the desert.

Fighting: |
Monstrous |
Agility: |
Feeble |
Strength: |
Class 1000 |
Endurance: |
Class 3000 |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Incredible |
Psyche: |
Typical |
Health: 4,077
Karma: 52
Resources: Amazing
Popularity: -10
Known Powers: Huge size (+5 CS to be hit), Body Armor (Incredible).
The Giant does NOT have the Immortality power mentioned above.
Weapon: a club made of Class 1000 Material (Class 1000 damage)
Background: The Giant lives in a castle on a cloud which can only be reached via a
beanstalk that Sylvester grew. He also kept a giant-size Tweety Bird (Excellent physical
abilities and 80 Health, but otherwise the same as the Tweety we know). Sylvester managed
to slay the giant by cutting the beanstalk, but unfortunately the giant fell right on top
of him.
A quote: "Fe Fi Fo Fat, I tawt I taw a putty tat!"

Hippity Hop
Fighting: |
Amazing |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Excellent |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Feeble |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 100
Karma: 32
Resources: none
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: Leaping (Incredible- 40' up or sideways, 60' down),
Kicking (Excellent damage)
Power Stunts: The Giant Mouse can repeatedly kick anyone in melee range (for Amazing
damage total, one target per round only) and this target will automatically suffer a Grand
Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling
Background: The Giant Mouse is an escaped baby kangaroo who is agile and dangerously
playful. It lives only to jump around and eat.

Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Amazing |
Strength: |
Feeble |
Endurance: |
Good |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Typical |
Health: 64
Karma: 22
Resources: Good
Popularity: 40 (100 in Mexico) Known Powers: Lightning
Speed (Class 1000- 32 areas per round), Tiny Size (-2 CS to be hit)
Power Stunts: Speedy can go up a vertical wall if he can cover its entire height in one
round. He can also use his Class 1000 speed power rank when dodging.
Talents: Musician, Martial Arts
Background: Speedy Gonzalez prefers to live a quiet life in Mexico, but Sylvester and
Daffy Duck have often disrupted the peace and forced him to act. Speedy is a sucker for a
pretty mousette and will do anything for Manuel Control because of Manuel's sister
A quote: "Andole Andole Arriba Arriba Yeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Feeble |
Strength: |
Poor |
Endurance: |
Feeble |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Excellent |
Health: 10
Karma: 46
Resources: Remarkable (remember, Granny has money to burn)
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: none.
Background: Granny is a rich spinster who is well-known for keeping obnoxious pets like
Tweety Bird. She depends on keeping him in a cage to prevent his untimely (and
well-deserved) death, and also has been known to kennel a dog nearby. In the case of being
chased by suitors, it is the intervention of characters like Bugs Bunny that protect her
because on her own, Granny would be easy to pulp.
Judge Only: In the adventure "Attack of the Killer Toons," Granny possesses
the body of Aunt May Parker and thus Spider-man must defend Tweety for her.
A quote: "Would you like on lump or two?"

Fighting: |
Incredible |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Incredible |
Endurance: |
Incredible |
Reason: |
Poor |
Intuition: |
Poor |
Psyche: |
Feeble |
Health: 124
Karma: 10
Resources: Feeble
Popularity: 0 Known Powers: None.
Talents: Sharp Weapons
Weapon: A scimitar (treat as a two-handed sword)
Background: Hassan guarded the treasure cave where Daffy Duck found the genie, and
chased him outside. He was stupid enough that Bugs Bunny was able to send him up a magic
rope into an extradimensional space. He has not been seen since then.
A quote: "HASSAN CHOP!!!!!!!"

Numerous run-down, abandoned houses and hotels are populated by these homicidal
rodents, who protect their domain by simulating poltergeists and other haunting
spirits. Their lairs are always well-equipped with trapdoors and secret panels, and they
have been known to stage candlelight execution ceremonies ending with the beheading of the
victim by a black-hooded axe-mouse. They are usually stumbled upon by an unsuspecting
Porky Pig and a terrified Sylvester. The mice always settle for frightening Sylvester
until his black fur turns white and his white fur turns sickly green, but they are
determined to kill Porky, who has been saved only by the superfeline efforts of his
devoted cat (who then gets blamed for interrupting Porky's sleep). For stats, use Generic
Mice with Excellent Reason.

Fighting: |
Typical |
Agility: |
Excellent |
Strength: |
Poor |
Endurance: |
Good |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Incredible |
Psyche: |
Incredible |
Health: 40
Karma: 86
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 0 Known Powers: Leaping (Excellent).
Talents: Performer
Background: Honey Bunny is Bugs' girlfriend, a recent addition to the Toons cast. She
has only appeared in the more modern holiday specials and in Looney Tunes magazine.

Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Remarkable |
Strength: |
Feeble |
Endurance: |
Feeble |
Reason: |
Poor |
Intuition: |
Poor |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 36
Karma: 18
Resources: None
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: Leaping (Amazing). Hoppy also has the Unearthly ability
to find knotholes in cactuses, which he uses to escape from enemies. In the real world,
cactuses do not have knotholes.
Talents: none
Background: Hoppy is often chased by the Singing Crows, who have the same desire to
catch him as Wile E. does for the Road Runner.

Fighting: |
Poor |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Remarkable |
Health: 40
Karma: 56
Resources: Poor
Popularity: -20
Known Powers: Stench (Unearthly)
Power Stunts: Starting on the round after Pepe enters an area, his natural stench
affects everyone and everything there. The referee is encouraged to be creative in the
effects of this stench, but is almost always causes some sort of fear, revulsion, or
poisoning to living creatures.
Talents: Picking up girls
Background: Pepe Le Pew is constantly seeking the attention of a female skunk, but his
dream girl happens to be a cat with a dyed stripe on her back. He is absolutely devoted
and stubborn, and has no idea that his smell causes others to panic and run. His stench
was once removed by Wile E. Coyote, but he regained it by being dropped into a vat of
French perfumes.
A quote: "Ahh, she would rather kill herself than live without me..."

Fighting: |
Typical |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Remarkable |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Excellent |
Health: 50
Karma: 36
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 30
Known Powers: none. Foghorn is too fat to fly.
Background: Foghorn Leghorn an d Dawg bug each other to keep from being perpetually
bored. Other times they work together. Foghorn talks with a heavy Southern drawl.
A quote: "Ha ha ha, That boy I say that boy'll hafta use a slide rule to find me
in here."

Fighting: |
Poor |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Poor |
Endurance: |
Good |
Reason: |
Incredible |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Excellent |
Health: 22
Karma: 50
Resources: Amazing
Popularity: -20
Known Powers: None
Talents: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Medicine
Background: Dwelling in a castle on an island at the top of a waterfall (featuring a
large blinking neon sign "Evil Scientist" and "BOO") this diminutive
fellow desperately desires Bugs' brain, to place in the skull of his 12-foot-tall
Frankenstein's monster. His chief hench-creature is Gossamer, a seven-foot red wig on
steroids, wearing sneakers.
Fighting: |
Monstrous |
Agility: |
Amazing |
Strength: |
Monstrous |
Endurance: |
Monstrous |
Reason: |
Poor |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Incredible |
Health: 275
Karma: 64
Resources: None
Popularity: -6
Known Powers: Body Armor (Remarkable)
Talents: Martial Arts B
Limitation: Edges attack Gossamer's Body Armor and cut him to bits. He is, after all,
made entirely of hair.
Background: Gossamer is a slave to the Evil Mad Scientist and acts as his helper and
enforcer. He has also worked for Martin the Martian.

Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Poor |
Endurance: |
Incredible |
Reason: |
Amazing |
Intuition: |
Incredible |
Psyche: |
Excellent |
Health: 64
Karma: 110
Resources: Amazing
Popularity: 6 (100 on Mars)
Known Powers: Small Size (-1 CS to be hit)
Weapons: Martin (also called Marvin; Martin is his name according to Looney
Tunes magazine) is a skilled inventor whose work almost equals that of Wile
E. Coyote. However, much of Martin's inventing prowess is due to his Martian technological
advantage. Martin carries a laser pistol (as in the Player's Book but does Excellent
damage) and has access to all of the following weapons:
A straitjacket-ejecting bazooka (Excellent material, takes 1 round to reload, Amazing
grappling attack, 3 area range), stun pistols of various designs, a disintegration pistol
(3 area range, Excellent material, Amazing damage, if the target loses all his remaining
Health or Material Strength, it disintegrates), a Re-integrator (to be used by
disintegrated creatures), and the legendary Aludium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator.
Background: Not much is known about Martin's motives, though two have been identified:
Conquest of space and the destruction of the Earth. His technology enabled him to
reintegrate Hugo the snowman and the monster Gossamer after Bugs Bunny supposedly killed
them. Because of that and what occurred on other occasions, Martin dislikes Bugs and has
staged numerous attempts to capture and kill him.
A quote: "Oh, the Earth will be gone in just a few seconds."
This device of Class 5000 destructive intensity (a planet-sized Energy attack) was
built by Martin to destroy the Earth. Said the Martian, "It obstructs my view of
Venus." [He didn't mean Uma Thurman nude- editor] Bugs Bunny primed the device
accidentally and left it in Martin's hands, where it immediately detonated. Whether Martin
can build more is unknown.
Fighting: |
Amazing |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Amazing |
Endurance: |
Monstrous |
Reason: |
Feeble |
Intuition: |
Feeble |
Psyche: |
Feeble |
Health: 185
Karma: 6
Resources: none
Popularity: 0
Known Powers: none
Background: Dehydrated Martians are used as flunkies. They have no creativity, little
cunning, and are almost mindless. They come dehydrated in globes of 100,000 and a few
gallons of water is all it takes to animate the whole bunch of them.
Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Excellent |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Good |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Typical |
Psyche: |
Excellent |
Health: 50
Karma: 32
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 0 Known Powers: Heightened Smell
Talents: Piloting (space)
Background: K-Nine is Martin's companion on many ventures, and is very obedient. He
often flies the spaceships while Martin fires weapons or works on inventions.
Speed: CL 1000
Body: Incredible
Protection: Incredible
Control: Remarkable
Weapons: 1 laser cannon (Shift X range, Amazing damage)
Martin uses this vehicle to travel between Earth and Mars. The saucer has a bridge, an
imprisonment area (4 cells with Unearthly material handcuffs), a cargo hold, staterooms,
and a living room.
Speed: CL 5000
Body: Amazing
Protection: Monstrous
Control: Remarkable
Weapons: 4 laser cannons (Shift Z range, Monstrous damage) This is the
long-range ship used by Martin to reach Planet X. The cruiser is outfitted like the saucer
but is more heavily armed with 4 laser cannons and a destruct device of Class 3000
intensity. The cruiser was destroyed along with the Duck Dodgers' ship and Planet X, but
with Martin's resources he can build more...

Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Excellent |
Health: 40
Karma: 36
Resources: variable, usually Excellent
Popularity: 30
Known Powers: Body Armor (Good)
Weapons: Porky rarely fought anyone, but he did carry a laser pistol and a
reintegration pistol which brought Daffy back from a pile of ashes plus his bill and
disintegration-proof vest.
Background: Porky Pig is ba-b-bb-bas-b generally a kind, good-natured pig who doesn't
make waves. He accompanied Daffy Duck to Planet X, and has teamed with Bugs Bunny and
Sylvester as well. He has saved Daffy's life many a time, but has never got so much as a
thank-you. His ladyfriend, Petunia, has the same stats as Porky.
A quote: "Th-th-the- That's all, folks!"

Fighting: |
Typical |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Remarkable |
Reason: |
Incredible |
I |
Good |
Psyche: |
Poor |
Health: 56
Karma: 44
resources: Amazing
Popularity: -20
Known Powers: Heightened Smell and Hearing (Excellent)
Talents: Repair/ Tinkering, Engineering, Martial Arts D, and E
Background: This distant relative of Wile E. Coyote is not the genius that Wiley is,
but displays impressive ability to steal sheep in spite of the power of his co-worker, Sam
the Sheepdog. Ralph and Sam belong to the same union and are actually friends, but their
work requires that Ralph tries to steal sheep and Sam prevents him from doing so. Ralph's
house is fully-automated, but it is solely for the purpose of preparing him for each day's
A quote: "Y'know, Sam, you really scared me for a minute there...."

(Hot-Rodicus Supersonicus)
Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Feeble |
Endurance: |
Remarkable |
Reason: |
Feeble, if any |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Remarkable |
Health: 44
Karma: 52
Resources: none
Popularity: 50 Known Powers: Lightning Speed (Class
3000- 50 areas per round), Psi-Screen (Beyond)
Power Stunts: The Road Runner is able to split its dust trail (which drags along 20
areas behind it, acting as Good intensity tear gas) into up to 3 separate trails and
appear as if it had gone in all 3 directions. Nobody can mentally contact or communicate
with the Road Runner.
Talents: none
Background: The Road Runner is only one of its race, which is considered a delicacy
among the desert predators. Road Runners are generally ignorant, mindless creatures who
tease and thus frustrate their natural enemies.
A quote: "Meep Meep! Pfffthtth!"

Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Amazing |
Psyche: |
Remarkable |
Health: 46
karma: 86
Resources: Remarkable
Popularity: -30
Known Powers: none.
Talents: Guns, Law, and Gambling (see Blaque Jaque Shellaque)
Background: Rocky is a criminal who embodies the Gang war age, and his exploits have
got him crossed with Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, and others. He is very short, so he wears a
tall hat.
A quote: "You did. You did tee a putty tat."
Fighting: |
Good |
Agility: |
Typical |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Typical |
Psyche: |
Typical |
Health: 42
Karma: 18
Resources: Poor (why they're into crime)
Popularity: 0 Known Powers: none
Talents: Guns
Background: The stats above are for a generic gang member. Some notable ones are Mugsy
(Remarkable Strength and Endurance, Poor Intuition; 76 Health, 16 Karma), and some of
Rocky's rivals. These have Remarkable Resources, and they include the following: Babyface
Half-Nelson, Pizza Puss Lasagna, Diamond Legs Rhinestone, and Teeth Malone.
A quote (Mugsy): "Geeeaahh... Sorry, Rocky..."

Fighting: |
Excellent |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Remarkable |
Endurance: |
Remarkable |
Reason: |
Typical |
I |
Poor (due to the fur over his eyes) |
Psyche: |
Incredible |
Health: 64
karma: 50
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 10
Known Powers: Probability Manipulation: Bad Luck- Sam has the knack of
causing Bad Luck to anyone who attempts to attack or immobilize him. His power will fail,
however, in three known cases: 1. If Sam is put to sleep, he will stay asleep until his
opponent make noise. 2. Attacks directed at an area will affect him (such as explosives).
3. Progression of Bad Luck to a target is halted by returning stolen sheep to the meadow.
Talents: Resist Domination
Background: Sam's job is to keep Ralph Wolf from stealing sheep. As mentioned in
Ralph's entry, Sam bears no malice to Ralph.
A quote: "Let's pick it up here tomorrow, Ralph. It's too close to quittin'

Jose and Manuel
Fighting: |
Poor |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Good |
Intuition: |
Good |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 40
Karma: 30
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 0 Known Powers: Flight (Excellent)
Talents: Musician (if you call what they do singing)
Background: Jose (the fat crow) and Manuel (the skinny crow) are two Mexican crows who
like to sing and chase the Hoppy Hoppy Grasshopper. naturally, they have never caught it.

Fighting: |
Poor |
Agility: |
Feeble |
Strength: |
Feeble |
Endurance: |
Good |
Reason: |
Good |
Intuition: |
Excellent |
Psyche: |
Remarkable |
Health: 18
Karma: 60
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 20
Known Powers: Slowness (Feeble speed- 1 area per turn), Danger Sense
(Unearthly), Tiny Size (-2 CS to be hit), Mind Control (Monstrous)
Power Stunts: Slowpoke uses his Danger Sense to avoid surprise, and he cannot be
blindsided. He also ALWAYS loses initiative. Finally, if he is divested of his gun,
Slowpoke will make eye contact with his assailant and hypnotically bend him to his will.
Weapon: Two Mexican cats tired of chasing Speedy went after Slowpoke, but as one warned
the other (too late, I might add), "Slowpoke Rodriguez, he pack a gun." This
happens to be a .454 revolver (3 area range, 1 shot per round, Excellent material,
Remarkable damage)
Talents: Guns, Marksman
Background: Slowpoke Rodriguez is Speedy Gonzalez's cousin and he often finds himself
the target of Speedy's enemies. Inoffensive by nature, Slowpoke will shoot those who try
to take advantage of him, and ask questions a few hundred years later.
A quote: "La cucara.... cha.....la cucara... cha... Ya no pude...

Fighting: |
Excellent |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Typical |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Good |
Intuition: |
Amazing |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 56
Karma: 70
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 50 Known Powers: Claws (Typical), Bite
(Good), Night Vision (Incredible), Regeneration (Monstrous- 15 points every 2 rounds)
Power Stunts: Sylvester can put himself back together even if parts of his body are
severed, or, as he did in a few occasions, if his body is cut into multiple slices.
Weapon: Plunger Bow- like a normal bow, but fires a plunger . On a Bullseye, the
target's face is covered up and he must pull the plunger off (Incredible suction) or be
blinded. Sylvester has also used other common weapons.
Talents: none
Background: Sylvester is just a normal cat who likes to eat birds and mice. His usual
opponents are Tweety Bird and Speedy Gonzalez, and sometimes he battles the Giant Mouse.
His son sometimes accompanies him.
A quote: "Sufferin' Succotash! Look at the size of that thing!"
Fighting: |
Typical |
Agility: |
Excellent |
Strength: |
Poor |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Remarkable |
Intuition: |
Incredible |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 50
Karma: 80
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 20 Known Powers: Claws (Typical), Bite
(Good), Night Vision (Incredible), Small Size (-1 CS to be hit)
Talents: Detective/ Espionage
Background: Sylvester Jr. is the only character who ever outsmarted the
Giant Mouse. He is also a faithful son and a decent mouser. A quote: "Oh mother...
you better bring the thing...."

Fighting: |
Unearthly |
Agility: |
Amazing |
Strength: |
Amazing |
Endurance: |
Unearthly |
Reason: |
Feeble |
Intuition: |
Incredible |
Psyche: |
Good |
Health: 300
Karma: 52
Resources: None
Popularity: -3000
Known Powers: Claws (Monstrous material, Excellent damage), Bite
(Excellent), Whirlwind Travel (Incredible- 7 areas per round, land speed), Body Armor
Power Stunts: The Tasmanian Devil swallows an item whole if his bite scores a Kill
result. When he travels by whirlwind, he can cut through everything in his path as if he
used a Shift Z edged attack. In this mode of movement he has Unearthly body armor.
Talents: none. He exists to eat.
Background: The Tasmanian Devil's first appearance in North America was due to a
mistaken drop from a cargo plane. Bugs Bunny returned him to Tasmania and later married
him and the Tasmanian She-Devil (same stats). However, Taz was soon recaptured by zoo
collectors to be given to a millionaire as a gift. He promptly escaped to the North Pole
and hijacked Santa's sleigh to get home, and before the night was over he crash-landed on
Bugs' roof. Upon sliding down the chimney, Taz devoured most of Bugs' food and furniture.
He later ate a green Christmas tree ball (it made him mildly sick) and finally the whole,
plugged-in tree (which lit him up from inside, like a multicolored X-ray).
A quote: "Why for did you bury me in the cold, cold ground?"

Fighting: |
Feeble |
Agility: |
Feeble |
Strength: |
Feeble |
Endurance: |
Feeble |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Typical |
Psyche: |
Poor |
Health: 8, and this is being generous
Karma: 22
Resources: Good
Popularity: 10
Known Powers: Flight (Poor- 4 areas)
Talents: none
Background: Tweety is an extremely obnoxious bird who rightfully gets
chased by the likes of Sylvester and Rocky. His owner, Granny, protects him. A quote:
"I tawt I taw a putty tat."

Fighting: |
Excellent |
A |
Poor (due to his size) |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Excellent |
Reason: |
Typical |
Intuition: |
Typical |
Psyche: |
Typical |
Health: 54
Karma: 18
Resources: variable, usually Remarkable
Popularity: -100
Known Powers: Small Size (-1 CS to be hit)
Weapons: Sam is usually encountered in Old West or pirate environments, and is always
armed. Typical weapons include twin revolvers, swords, flintlock pistols (treat as a Cheap
Handgun), rifles, dynamite, and hammers. He once guarded the Singing Sword, and wore
Remarkable plate mail armor.
Background: Sam is the guy who embodies the phrase, "This town ain't big enough
for the both of us." His rivalry with Bugs Bunny spans time. Having no friends, he
often relies on (stupid) animals for help. His horse and elephant can be found in the AMSH
Judge's Book, and his camel and dragon are detailed here.
A quote: "Dragons iz sooo stupid...."
Fighting: |
Poor |
Agility: |
Poor |
Strength: |
Good |
Endurance: |
Amazing |
Reason: |
Feeble |
Intuition: |
Feeble |
Psyche: |
Feeble |
Health: 68
Karma: 6
Speed: Excellent (5 areas)
Known Powers: Environmental Independence (Incredible- 40 days without
food or water)
Background: This camel is EXTREMELY stupid and cannot understand verbal commands. It
will not start to move unless bashed on the ass, and once started it will not stop unless
bashed on the head.
Fighting: |
Excellent |
Agility: |
Good |
Strength: |
Excellent |
Endurance: |
Incredible |
Reason: |
Poor |
Intuition: |
Poor |
Psyche: |
Poor |
Health: 90
Karma: 12
Speed: Excellent (5 areas)
Known Powers: Body Armor (Excellent), Fire Breath (2 area range,
Incredible damage)
Background: Sam kept this flightless dragon with him to help guard the Singing Sword.
The dragon sneezes every 1-10 minutes and his sneeze results in a full strength attack on
anyone in front of him. The dragon also has a slippery back, which makes stops
inconvenient (and possibly dangerous) for the rider. If the dragon stops, the rider must
make an immediate -2CS Agility FEAT or he bumps along the dragon's neck plates (Good Blunt
Damage) and lands right in front of the dragon. Right about then the dragon tends to
In his career, Sam has used ships to travel around the world and plunder different
places. Use these stats for all such ships found in an AMSH/ Killer Toons game.
Speed: Good
Body: Good
Protection: Excellent
Control: Poor
Weapons: 10 cannons (Light Artillery)
Note: If any attack scores a Kill result against the ship, the hull is breached and the
ship will sink in 1/10 of a second |